Welcome to the conversation!

Rewrite Self started as a side project of mine in 2022. As a college student studying psychology, at the time, I tinkered with the idea of starting a community around personal growth for many years.

However, I didn’t feel like I could talk about the subject without having the “proper” credentials. I now realize that was just my anxiety and fear talking. Further, I didn’t want to be seen as some guru or coach. I wanted to approach the topic from a place of understanding and education. Again, that was for me. It was what I needed at the time to feel like I was enough of an authority to speak about mental health and personal growth. How silly our minds can be at times 😊.

I personally struggled with my mental health for many years. Through childhood trauma, abuse, and addiction, my life had taken many turns. Every single job I had worked at never seemed to care about their employees’ mental health. All of the “friends” I ever had, never seemed to want to talk about mental health either. I found this to be the norm as I continued trying to cope with the challenges I had faced for so long.

Eventually, my journey led me to therapy. First I started with a therapist over the phone. I was able to get some medicine to help lower the pressure cooker of my mental state, and I started realizing I was not at fault for the challenges I had and currently faced. I started learning how to love me. But first, I had to figure out who “I” was. This has been the hardest part, yet it has also been the most important part of my journey.

I learn more and more about who I am every single day. Now, I am a graduate with a bachelor’s degree in psychology, something I never thought I would be able to achieve. I have also applied to a master’s degree program in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I hope to start at the beginning of 2025.

I still go to therapy and take medicine, two tools that have really helped me. A mental health team can be your biggest cheerleaders. I have found them to be essential for me.

My journey may look different from yours, and that’s ok. It isn’t about having a therapist, taking medicine, or wanting to achieve the same things as others. It’s about understanding yourself, what you need, why you matter, and how to support you. I hope Rewrite Self can be that bridge for you, that cheerleader as you continue on your journey.

Thank you for being here, make sure to comment and get involved. No pressure though, if this site helps you in just the smallest way, even by lurking and not being “involved”, that’s all that matters to me 😊.

Again, welcome to Rewrite Self, I can’t wait to see where your journey takes you!

Nyla - Creator of Rewrite Self
